How Long Do Veneers Last?


Veneers are a great option if you want to improve the appearance of your smile but have otherwise healthy teeth. If you are considering veneers or other restoration solutions, you will want to know the average lifespan of the restoration. Veneers won’t last forever, but they can have a long life, especially if they are properly cleaned and maintained.

What Are Veneers?

A veneer is a very thin, tooth-shaped shell that is placed over your front lower or upper teeth. They can transform your smile by covering teeth that are crooked, oddly shaped, small, short, spaced too far apart, chipped, yellowed, or stained. The two common types of veneers are porcelain and composite resin.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are made of tooth-colored, stain-resistant ceramic. These may last up to 15 years. They are very strong, but not indestructible, and they are not repairable, so if they are damaged, they must be fully replaced.

Composite Resin Veneers

Composite resin veneers are made of the same material used to fill cavities, a blend of organic and inorganic materials. These can last up to 7 years. Composite resin veneers are not as durable as porcelain, and they may stain over time, but they can be repaired.

How to Care for your Veneers

Once you’ve invested in veneers, you’ll want to make sure they last as long as possible. Here are some tips for how to keep your veneers in great shape:

  • Practice good oral hygiene

  • Don’t grind your teeth

  • Use a mouthguard when playing sports

  • Never use your teeth as tools

Are you thinking about getting veneers to improve your smile? Call Midland Dental & Oasis Kids and Orthodontics to schedule a consultation!